- My Stuff
- Blog - My aforementioned blog.
- Poetry - Some of my favorite poems.
- Pajamaspace - A cool webring for cool folks.
- Coming Soon... - I'm working on revamping this section of my site.
- Experiments
- WBIB v3 - Designed around viewing Wikipedia pages.
- EOO Calculator - Calculator for getting all the odd numbers between 2 numbers.
- ILGA App Viewer - Explore the ILGA website easier on a phone. Intended for mobile.
- Snap! App Viewer - For 300x400 Snap! Projects. Intended for mobile.
- Studygiggle Sandbox - Current Studygiggle expirement. Infrequently updated.
- WBIB #2 - Can use Textise or AllOrigins.
- Chess 1.5 - Play Chess 1.5 online!
- Bureau Digitization Efforts - Mockup for a writing server I'm a part of.
- Older Projects
- WBIB - Browse the web from the safety of... your browser?
- WBIB Formatting - Because sometimes, things break.
- Saving Notebook - I can't always rely on physical things. Or Olivia Newton John.
- Baby.HTML - TryIt is never really enough.
- Babytools - Tools and test files for Baby.HTML.